Relationship between Characteristics of Board of Directors and Excess Cash Holdings


Jae-Min Lim,Ph.D. Student, Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies (First Author)
Sang-Cheol Lee,Professor, College of Business Administration, Dongguk University-Seoul


This study analyzed the influence of the ratio of external to internal board of directors, the tenures and shareholdings of long-term directors, and outside director expertise on a firm’s excess cash holdings. It utilized data from 2,133 Korean firms to estimate the corporate cash holdings model by Opler et al. (1999) [1]. According to the test results, the number of long-tenure outside directors had a significantly positive (+) influence on excess cash holdings, while shareholdings and outside director expertise had a negative (-) influence. Outside directors’ tenure had a larger influence than the expertise. Finally, the effect of shareholding ratio of directors on excess cash holdings was larger in firms with owner-CEOs than those with professional CEOs.



board characteristics; excess cash holdings; agency problems; CEO type


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  • APA:
    Lim,J.M.& Lee,S.C.(2018). Relationship between Characteristics of Board of Directors and Excess Cash Holdings. World Journal of Accounting, Finance and Engineering, 2(1), 31-36. 10.21742/WJAFE.2018.2.1.06
  • Harvard:
    Lim,J.M., Lee,S.C.(2018). "Relationship between Characteristics of Board of Directors and Excess Cash Holdings". World Journal of Accounting, Finance and Engineering, 2(1), pp.31-36. doi:10.21742/WJAFE.2018.2.1.06
  • IEEE:
    [1] J.M.Lim, S.C.Lee, "Relationship between Characteristics of Board of Directors and Excess Cash Holdings". World Journal of Accounting, Finance and Engineering, vol.2, no.1, pp.31-36, May. 2018
  • MLA:
    Lim Jae-Min and Lee Sang-Cheol. "Relationship between Characteristics of Board of Directors and Excess Cash Holdings". World Journal of Accounting, Finance and Engineering, vol.2, no.1, May. 2018, pp.31-36, doi:10.21742/WJAFE.2018.2.1.06


  • Volume 2, No. 1, 2018
  • ISSN(p):2208-8512
  • ISSN(e):2208-8520
  • Published:May. 2018